State of the Caregiver

January brings in the New Year. We have resolutions or declarations or intentions. The president gives a state of the union address; governors give state of state addresses; mayors state of city addresses. Where does that leave the caregiver? Do we set intentions for our caregiving needs wants and desires? Do we give these addresses to our family, friends and fellow caregivers? What is included in our state of the caregiver address? How about all the accomplishments we made in the last year as a caregiver? Do we remember the services we unwillingly provided? How often do we mention how appreciative we are of everyone who assisted us in and on our caregiving journey? What are our plans and objectives for this year? How effective has our follow up been for the month of January. Let’s put our intentions for our caregiving state address in writing and continue to journal periodically. Because caregivers need care too.