More Than 3000 People Walked

More than 3000 people were out and prepared to walk on last Sunday morning for the cure, research and support for Alzheimer’s disease. As I entered the elevator to sign in for the walk, I noticed a young baby in a stroller. Her parents were eager to get started. This is was actually the baby’s second walk. Her parents were there last year to walk to support their grandmother. This is one of the many stories of families impacted by Alzheimer’s. There are many more that do not walk, go unnoticed, and sit silently without sharing their stories. They carry on their day-to-day tasks of caring for loved ones whose memories are increasingly fading. Family members become isolated, overwhelmed and often depressed. Support and resources are available. This was a beautiful morning for a walk. Temperatures may have been in the mid to low 70’s.Volunteers were passing out water. The opening ceremony was engaging. I am enlisting you to find a group or organization in your community and walk, volunteer or donate to this cause. We need you. If you would like more information send me an email. Click here.