Wellness Wednesday: Let’s Make Summertime Your Time

Let’s Make Summertime Your Time

Summer is almost here.  What are you planning to do to make it more memorable and meaningful? How about …

  • Tutoring a student for the summer
  • Learn a foreign language
  • Swimming in the ocean
  • A spontaneous vacation
  • White water rafting
  • Archery

Let’s make summer count.  I’m counting on you to tell me what you are doing.
Joy and light,

Wellness Wednesdays: Is it time to declutter?

Is it time to declutter?

Most of us have so much stuff.  Deciding what to keep, donate, recycle or trash often becomes overwhelming and the clutter remains. Ask yourself some questions.

  • Do I really need this?
  • Am I used to having it around?
  • Do I really want it?

Answer honestly. Can you be more creative and productive without it?
Will you sleep better?  Are you creating more space?
Whatever choices you make, accept them and move forward with more space in your life.
Joy and light,

Wellness Wednesdays: It’s time to be the change you desire

It’s time to be the change you desire

Yes, we are creatures of habit. Sometimes change is good. This week, let’s intentionally change (flip) our script.

  • Instead of popcorn when viewing a movie or television I will …
  • I will sit in a different area at the next meeting
  • It’s almost summer, I am willing to try different colors (shirt, nail polish, shoes, lipstick)
  • When dining at my favorite restaurant, I am going to try something totally new for me
  • Next time I am visiting with friends, instead of sitting, we will take a stroll around the park or walk at the beach

Change is good.  Let me know how it’s going.

Joy and light,

Wellness Wednesdays: I Can Do This

It’s time to say what you mean and mean what you say.

Many of us have heard “your word is your bond.” How serious are we when we tell someone we will do something? They believe and expect that we will.

Keeping our promise creates

  • respect
  • self worth
  • trust
  • reliability

Let’s lock “pinkies” and honor our word.