Is It Really a New Year?

Happy New Year to you. Have you made resolutions, goals, commitments for the New Year? How is it going so far? Nearly 42% make some kind of resolutions for the new year.FullSizeRender
Time passes so quickly. We are in the middle of the first month of 2015. I am excited about what is in store.

For the month of January, I have been serving as a co-host with LaRoya Jordan on her RareWomanTalks radio show. It has been inspirational, educational, thought provoking and fun.
Thank you Lady LaRoya.
My Focusing on You groups are increasing. We meet once a month in the comfort and intimacy of homes to discuss matters of life that concern #babyboomers. In December, the discussion was Handling Grief during the holidays. If you wish, we can work together to start your personal group. Each group consists of 6-10 caring and conscientious people. Everyone gets to share the spotlight. The groups meet for 75 minutes of self -discovery, restoration and self-care. Call me to set up your focus group today. 310 673 3349
Do you have one goal, one objective that you really want to accomplish in the next 40 days? Perhaps it’s a project that has taken longer than you anticipated. Maybe you just want to try something different. Try my 40 day Jump Start to achieve that goal. Let’s hold each other accountable to make it happen. The 40 day Jump Start Program is available for the month of January at a special rate of $149.00 for 40 days. We can do this. Let’s get started. Sign up today.  “We must be the change we want to see”

Let me hear from you in an email, on facebook, twitter and linkedin.  Your ideas and suggestions matter.

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