Is Silence Really Golden?

silence is goldenAre you aware that 1 out of 6 American women become the victim of attempted or completed rape? Imagine the ones who do not report these sexual abuses.
Many women feel afraid, ashamed, guilty or anger and do not reach out. What if it was a trusted family member, trusted friend, an older relative? Who would believe you?
Rape, abuse & incest have been passed down through generations resulting in post traumatic stress syndrome, 33% suicide rate, 13% attempt suicide. Remember again, these are only the reported cases.
Relationships are forever effected because of sexual assault including distress and problems at work and school. Silence is not always golden. Sometimes it overrides our sense of knowing we should tell our story and if others will listen and believe us.
I hear stories from babyboomers who were molested at an early age — fondling, inappropriate touches, reading to an older adult as he played in her pants, always getting to play the mother when boys and girls played house. There are more of these horrific stories. These stories still cause them pain. Complete healing has not occurred.
How much of their stories are they sharing with their daughters and sons? What kind of advice are they offering to handle these kinds of situations?

As we focus on our own self care, it is vital that our stories are heard.  There is a community to share and restore some of the power that has been taken away for too long.

Joy and Light,
