Self Care Road Trip

vbus-detailThe holidays are coming. Take some special time just for you before the busyness of the season arrives. Join New Beginnings and others as we take this road trip Saturday November 12th to Viejas to unwind, relax, reflect, sightsee and focus on you. You deserve it.
We will travel to Viejas on a luxury coach including special pampering. There will be prizes — gift baskets from Festive Flair Events, in home massage from Carol’s Healing Station, complimentary trip from You Truly Matter and more.

sign-viejas-450Register today for your Self Care Road Trip to Viejas.
You deserve this gift to and for yourself. Tell and bring a friend. Call today.

310 673 3349.

Get on the bus.


What Does Self Care Have to do with It?

self-care-reminderWhat does self care look like for you? We hear about it often. We even tell each other to take care of themselves as we think about our own self care. Does a self care routine matter?
Many of us are caring for others as we care for ourselves. If we don’t take the best care of ourselves, it becomes more of a challenge to care for those we love.
We are living longer. Let’s preserve our life with the self care we deserve. Perhaps that means getting to bed a little earlier at night (without aid from television and other gadgets)
How does exercise fit into your daily schedule? Parking a little farther from stores while shopping may be an easy way to start. Getting up to stretch during commercials is almost effortless. There is most likely an exercise, dance, yoga or pilates class near you. Call and sign up.
As we venture outside to breathe in the fresh air, we become a part of the natural beauty that exists and watching nature will inevitably invite some self movement.
Our eating habits also influence our self care. Are we getting adequate fresh fruits and vegetables? Are we willing to try new vegetables or even prepare our foods differently from our normal methods? Baking, stir fry, and even some raw foods are surprisingly appealing and appetizing.
Let’s remember to include relaxation. That might be taking regularly scheduled time-outs. When is the last time you took a personal day for the most important person in your life? This is your special time for you to unwind. (read a book, meditate, take a nap, listen to music)
Self-care matters. It is essential for us to live our lives to the fullest and for us to be the best we can be for ourselves and for those that matter in our lives.
New Beginnings offers support for self care through one on one coaching, grief support (The Empty Chair) accountability partners (Stay on the Path) and more. The focus really is on you because you matter.

Is Silence Really Golden?

silence is goldenAre you aware that 1 out of 6 American women become the victim of attempted or completed rape? Imagine the ones who do not report these sexual abuses.
Many women feel afraid, ashamed, guilty or anger and do not reach out. What if it was a trusted family member, trusted friend, an older relative? Who would believe you?
Rape, abuse & incest have been passed down through generations resulting in post traumatic stress syndrome, 33% suicide rate, 13% attempt suicide. Remember again, these are only the reported cases.
Relationships are forever effected because of sexual assault including distress and problems at work and school. Silence is not always golden. Sometimes it overrides our sense of knowing we should tell our story and if others will listen and believe us.
I hear stories from babyboomers who were molested at an early age — fondling, inappropriate touches, reading to an older adult as he played in her pants, always getting to play the mother when boys and girls played house. There are more of these horrific stories. These stories still cause them pain. Complete healing has not occurred.
How much of their stories are they sharing with their daughters and sons? What kind of advice are they offering to handle these kinds of situations?

As we focus on our own self care, it is vital that our stories are heard.  There is a community to share and restore some of the power that has been taken away for too long.

Joy and Light,


Please, please practice self care

We are mid-way through this year and moving toward the end of summer.  Back to school displays are showing their faces with products in every imaginable place. How are your plans for summer going?

Oftentimes we tell ourselves we are practicing self-care — taking time out to do things we really want to do, pampering, resting, meditating, eating better, establishing an exercise routine, etc. Time passes and those ideas and lists pass with time.

If we do not take the time for ourselves, we are actually practicing

“self abuse” which may include

  • trying to be perfect
  • pleasing others
  • thinking we should be and do more
  • not allowing others to support and assist us
  • feeling rushed, tired and lethargic

Take the time NOW to commit to giving yourself the #self care you need and deserve.  You will thank yourself for thinking enough of yourself to give yourself this gift.

A walk in the park to get back in touch with nature;  a dinner date at your favorite restaurant with your favorite person — that would be YOU; a massage or a manicure/pedicure; a new hairstyle, using a different mode of transportation just to change things up a bit are some ideas that you can do just for you and your health and well being.

Self care starts with small repeated steps. You deserve this and so much more.

Let me know how it goes and what you are committed to continue doing just for you.

Joy and light,
